Youth Volunteers
Youth volunteers are expected to perform the following duties, which include but are not limited to:
a. Shelving books and other materials in the Children’s and Teen sections.
b. Adding stickers with MFL’s hours to the back of bookmarks.
c. Keeping the Children’s and Teen areas tidy.
d. Helping to prepare for and clean up after programs.
If you're interested in becoming a teen volunteer at Monroe Free Library, please fill this application Form then send it to Samantha Angarola, sangarola(at)rcls.org .
Special provision for Teen Volunteers
Volunteers will be expected to follow the code of conduct, which includes but is not limited to:
a. Letting us know in advance if you cannot make it in.
b. Showing up on time.
c. Staying in the building for the entirety of your shift.
d. Being polite and respectful to our patrons.
e. Using appropriate language.
f. Dressing and speaking appropriately.
g. Not being on your cell phone while working.
h. Not having friends or siblings hanging out during your shift.
5. Volunteers will be expected to perform the following duties, which include but are not limited to:
a. Shelving books and other materials in the Children’s and Teen sections.
b. Adding stickers with MFL’s hours to the back of bookmarks.
c. Keeping the Children’s and Teen areas tidy.
d. Helping to prepare for and clean up after programs.
6. Failure to follow the code of conductor or perform duties may result in termination of volunteering privileges.