Register For: Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner!


March 04

before event starts
Start Date/Time:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 5:30 PM
End Date/Time:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 7:00 PM


Come into the library to celebrate "Fat Tuesday" by eating pancakes for dinner! Music and lots of fun!


You must register for this event as we need to know how many pancakes to make!


(Registration begins for all Children's programs on the 25th.)

Don't have a Monroe Free Library Card? Give us a call at (845) 783-4411 or email us at referencedesk@monroefreelibrary.org to be added to a special waiting list.

By using our online registration system, you agree to receive emails about programs and events from the Monroe Free Library. We will never share or sell your email address to any third-parties.

  • MFL Cardholders can register for programs by clicking on REGISTER
  • Some programs fill up quickly. In those cases, you can join a wait list.
  • Click the + for more details.