Register For: Hudson Valley Nutty Scientists Present "The Cast Away Show!


August 01

  Event has started, it is no longer possible to enroll.
Start Date/Time:
Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:30 PM
End Date/Time:
Thursday, August 1, 2024 6:30 PM


Help our Nutty Scientist who is lost on a desert island! Along the way they will fire rockets, make slime, shoot smoke rings, and see amazing electrical demonstrations!


(Registration begins for all week four Children's summer reading programs on the 22nd.)

Don't have a Monroe Free Library Card? Give us a call at (845) 783-4411 or email us at referencedesk@monroefreelibrary.org to be added to a special waiting list.

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  • MFL Cardholders can register for programs by clicking on REGISTER
  • Some programs fill up quickly. In those cases, you can join a wait list.
  • Click the + for more details.